Eddy Hartog
Smart Mobility and Living in DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology
Smart Mobility and Living in DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology
Mr Hartog has Dutch nationality and was born and raised in Utrecht (the Netherlands). He obtained a degree in political economics at the Erasmus University (Rotterdam) and subsequently a post-graduate degree at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium). He has worked in the European Commission since 1989, first in Trade policy, then in Regional policy and in Maritime policy and lately in Information Society and Media policy. He is a Head of Unit since 2003. His present responsibility (since July 2016) is Head of Unit for Smart Mobility and Living in DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology. Mr Hartog is married and has two daughters.
13:00 Uhr: Workshop 2 „Living-in.eu: Der europäische Weg der Digitalen Transformation in Städten und Gemeinden“